Drew Alikakos, M.S. is nationally certified in the treatment of addiction. There are many types of addiction such as; drug and alcohol, gambling, eating disorders and shop lifting. Over 500 different Twelve Step Programs treat various addictions and obsessive compulsive behavior. Addictions can be hereditary or learned. Often they must be dealt with on a daily basis with the support of Twelve Step Programs and other treatment.
Many addicts have an underlying disorder which also needs to be evaluated and treated. Drew Alikakos, M.S. and Addiction and Psychological Therapy, Inc. offer treatment for dual diagnosed individuals. Interventions are often needed and an attempt to get people into treatment and A.A. is often accomplished through a nurturing, supportive approach.
Drew Alikakos, M.S. can help coach an individual to deal with his or her addiction. He has easy access to rehabs and other outpatient programs.